This blog is my version. I would love to hear Ex's version of this. I think it would go something like this:
"Marcy was crazy and overbearing. I had to walk on eggshells around her. She would yell at me for no reason and cry at the drop of a hat. (Ex was full of clichés.) She was needy and clingy and there was nothing I could do to make her happy. Life with her was a living hell."

I think living with Ex did immense damage to my self-esteem and, finally, killed my soul. I have never thought of myself as special - never thought of myself as lovable. Ex fed that insecurity and nurtured my hatred of myself. I married a man who did not love me and constantly told me how awful it was to live with me. Ex hated it when I breathed.
Watching movies was a favorite pastime of his. I was rarely granted the honor of watching them with him, but on the few occasions I did, we would sit at opposite ends of the couch and I would hold my breath and not move for the entire time. I didn't even realize I was doing it until I left him and watched movies alone and wondered why I didn't get a horrible backache. It was only then that I realized my back hurt through those movies because I had been frozen in place. Ex would get so mad if I sighed, coughed, or moved. He didn't want to be reminded of my presence. He did want to "discuss" the movie afterwards, however. I used quotation marks because it was never a discussion; it was just me agreeing with Ex.
I wonder what Ex would tell you about something so simple as watching movies together. I don't think I want to know his version.
Just awful how we can be treated and the X has not guilt or remorse. Narcissism is awful!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same of my ex. I remember twisting my ankle once. Instead of being helpful, he was embarrassed and didn't want to walk with me in public. I can only imagine what he'd think now - I have a noticable limp since the accident and can't wear heels any more. I think, like me, you're well rid of him. Count your blessings. 😀