The X Games were in Colorado and he got to go to watch in person. I was at home, talking to him on the phone and watching the games on television. He wanted me to be able to see him, so he found a camera and stood beside it. Um, I can't see you, Ex. You have to be in front of the camera. So he went around the ropes and stood beside the announcer's stand and waved at the camera. I never did see him. But the thought was nice and it made me feel closer to him.
Ex spent a lot of money while he lived there. He owned a snowboard, so at least he wasn't renting that, but the lift tickets were a luxury we really couldn't afford, considering he had been out of a job for months before getting this one. Now that I think about it, I wonder if some of that money went to entertaining the woman he was sleeping with. That never occurred to me until right now. Excellent.

I still watch the X Games when I can. But I don't sit there crying and missing the thought of Ex standing beside a camera and expecting me to be able to see him. What an idiot.
LOL. The alphabet is almost complete - and I'm seeing humour and healing. Wonderful.